Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dinner after a long day out

Archer is really enjoying his dinner of potatoes, leeks, carrot and
peas. All organic and all homemade by Caroline!Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight!


  1. Did Archer sleep thru the night again? :)

  2. Nope, he never sleeps longer than 4-6 hours at a time. Except for that night in Hawaii. I've been told, it probably won't be until he's about 2 years old, that he'll be able to sleep for 8+ hours straight. oh well. I've just become resigned to not getting a ton of sleep...ever...

  3. i think Tyler is exhibiting signs of being like Archer, so no worries. He can go without eating for 7-8 hrs, just chooses not to. For now, I'm feeding him 2x at night still - going to keep it up until 5-6 months and see if he changes. If not, we're going to have a night waker as well! Does Archer wake up more than 1x at night?
