Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday at Goettingen Neighborhood Group 3rd Annual Plant Sale

Yes, you read correctly. After 5 years of living on our street, we had no idea that there was a neighborhood group! Where have we been! Obviously we must have been living under a rock or something! :)

We attended the Goettingen Neighborhood Group Plant Sale today! What a wonderful group--you can see their blog here. We met a bunch of great people, parents, kids. We bought up a peppermint plant, and found out that if we take the short cut at the end of the 700 block, the new Portola Library location is just 5 blocks from our house. Apparently, they have a kick-a** story time program for kids. We may have to go check it out tomorrow!

AND we found out that there is a Portola Parents Group! Just what we were looking for! Very thankful to have gone to the plant sale today and meet such a nice group of neighbors!

The pictures below were taken from the end of our street, the 700 block. The Goettingen Neighborhood Group planted a beautiful garden on this hillside.

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