Monday, April 5, 2010

Meeting Jordan!

Archer met our friend's baby Jordan for the first time. Jordan is 1 month younger than Archer, and JJ and Jeff moved to St. Louis a few years back, so this was the first we have seen them since he was born. Archer's face lit up when he saw Jordan--he really enjoyed it! But, alas, I failed to get any photos of the face-to-face, or even a single photo of Jordan! In my defense, Jordan was quite busy with napping, diaper changes and such, but I wish I had a photo to post. I'm hoping we'll get a few photos from JJ and Jeff when they are settled back in at home. But Archer really enjoyed Jordan's play saucer, so I made a beeline to Baby's R Us to buy a Baby Einstein Play Saucer!

1 comment:

  1. He is so into that exersaucer! I'm glad you got it for him. He's funny in it, like he wants to be left alone! He's busy! He's got things to do! :)
