Monday, July 16, 2012

"Do not wash my face!"

Archer came home today with the planets painted on his face, painted by his teacher! Archer said that he had the "gas giants" on the right side of his face and the "terrestrial planets" on the left side of his face. He then said,"Do not wash my face!" So he has gone to bed with the planets still painted on his face. I hope he doesn't break out in a rash or something!

In other news Archer has graduated and has spent his first two weeks in the older kids group. All the kids in that group are 4 years old, which had me worried, since he's not even 3 yet. But his teacher says he's doing well and following along. So far so good...

In baby #2 news, we have yet to pick a name (any good name suggestions are welcome). Thankfully he's growing strong, weighing in two weeks ahead of schedule! Just hope he doesn't arrive too early!

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