Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let's dance!

These pictures are of something that Archer loves to do. Where he dances around and then when I yell "freeze!" he stands still. This is my moment to get a good picture of him when he actually stands still.

We've also hit a major milestone with Archer...he is potty trained! Woo hoo! Can't tell you how much garbage this has cut down on! He can even hold it through the night and refuses to wear diapers or pull ups now. I am SO glad he is potty trained. We were afraid of having to change 2 sets of diapers when the new baby arrives this fall.

In other news, interestingly, Archer is a big fan of schoolwork and homework. He is moving up to the big kids group soon, where they get schoolwork/homework, but apparently according to his teacher, he has seen the older kids doing schoolwork, like tracing letters and other activities and has asked to do schoolwork along with them. His teacher says he loves doing it and when he's finished with his work he asks for more! Umm...is this child a Tiger Mom's dream or what!? Lol! Well we'll see how long his love of homework actually lasts!

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