It’s been a few months now since we’ve moved into our new home. We were seriously lacking in the furniture department there for a while. But now things look like they are coming together, at least in the living room. We finally got our couch and rug and Bill picked up a new side chair and coffee table at a neat place called
MidCentury Modern Finds.

But I must confess that lately my main consideration when buying anything new for our home is:
1) how will Archer destroy it;
2) how will Archer ruin it; or
3) how will Archer somehow hurt himself on it.
Well, we can’t all live in padded, stain-resistant houses, right? So, hopefully we can avoid any major trauma and Archer, our furniture and home will all survive! And I keep telling myself: "A little blue marker on the chairs, rug, walls, dog never hurt anyone!"

LoL! I just posted Archer's blue mouth picture on Facebook, too! New furniture is looking good!