Friday, March 25, 2011

No cry zone

A got stuck with 2 needles at the doctor's this morning--he has the most confused and hurt look on his face--it must be a surprise for him: Here comes a nice lady, then STAB! But the crying didn't last long and we let him forget his troubles in the prefab plastic play house in the waiting room. 18 months old tomorrow and here are his stats: 27 pounds (60th percentile) 34.5 inches tall (96th percentile!) And just one other mention from Archer's proud parents: Archer can say his numbers in order up to 10. And he has now begun to count objects. Very cool! His pediatrician was very impressed and thought it quite unique and unusual for his age! Ok, done with our little bragging session... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love my Archer! He's so smart cuz he takes after his parents.
