Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ok a REAL 9-month-old update...

We were a bit lazy(read: sleep-deprived) on updating Archer's development on his 9-month-old post. So, we're doing it now. Here is what Archer's been up to: * He's crawling all over the place. * He's pulling up, standing unassisted and cruises a bit, while holding onto furniture. * He enjoys babbling and can say: dada, mama, baba, ng-ng-ng (it's an "ing" sort of sound. not sure where he picked that up), and gay-gay-gay (not sure where he picked that up either, but he IS a San Francisco baby, right! haha!). * He enjoys "reading" and being read too. Pointing at things in books and turning the pages. His favorite books are: Pat the Bunny, Goodnight Moon, Pajama Time, Charlie Harper's alphabet book and Happy Baby Words. We will read between 5-10 books before bedtime some nights because he loves it so much. * He enjoys pointing at everything, can give you a high five and we are working on clapping. * He discovered how to pick his nose...and eat whatever he finds! ewww! That habit must be broken! * He hates napping and hates sleeping through the night, much to our dismay. * He has developed a bit of stranger anxiety, but overall enjoys meeting new people. * He enjoys getting into everything! Our house is now "child-proofed"! By the way, "child-proof" also means "adult-proof". I can't get to anything under our kitchen or bathroom sinks. * He has begun to be able to play alone/self-directed play, which has been nice for us. This allows us to do some chores around the house and get other things done, like this blog post. * He now has 7 teeth: 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom. * He has developed a wide palate. His latest meals include: potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, zucchini, haricot vert, leeks, cheese, tofu, egg yolk, olive oil, pasta, nectarines, plums and blueberries. We still try to buy organic as much as possible and try to get whatever is in season at the farmer's market. We are trying to introduce him to as many flavors(tangy, sour, tart, etc.) as possible now, because this kid has got to eat kimchi soon! * He's great at self-feeding and enjoys his cereal O's. He often likes to grab the spoon and try to feed himself, which makes for a nice mess! * He's really begun to take notice when we hear planes go by. Must be a Pauley thing! That's Archer at 9 months. Thanks for reading all of that! This is as much an update for family and friends, as it is a record for us to remember his first year! :) This is a rare photo of Archer napping. He's got a nightlight under him and one of his toys. He fights sleeping and will try to stand, crawl, play, do anything until he passes out.


  1. Glad you said it was a night light under him, thought for a moment that he had one of those Iron Man things in his chest already!

  2. Also worth noting:
    * Dad also likes all Archer's food, except for the formula;
    * Dad and mom are still sleep deprived;
    * Both Archer's Aunt Christina and Grandfather Choi only have 3 lower center teeth! Genetics! Another gene that may get passed to him is color blindness--hope he doesn't want to become an Air Force pilot...

  3. Archer, you are going to have such a great personality! Be nice to mommy and daddy, ok? Try to sleep through the night soon!
