Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nipple Confusion

Since we had no experience with bottles when we started Archer on bottle feeding, we picked up a variety of brands to find which he was most comfortable with. We had read about nipple confusion, and wanted him to make the transition easily. Turns out he doesn't care and will take any of them. I, on the other hand, have my favorites:
• Nuby, front row, left: is too difficult to clean and reassemble.  
• The blue bottle, "Adiri", middle row, left has a very tiny nipple that he doesn't latch well to. It looks cool but so far Archer is agnostic about design.
• The Evenflow, center and front right, I like because they are old-school looking and made of glass.  Unfortunately, they leak most the time and they don't pull air in when he sucks, so I have to release him to release that abhorrent vacuum.
• Mid-right is the Dr Browns, which works well, but has too many parts to clean.
• So the ones that I like best are the Advent bottles, the two in the back row. Advent, by Philips: the same company that makes our electric toothbrush and TV... Hmmm, is that a good thing?

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