Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nice weather!

Finally got some nice weather this weekend! Saturday we took out the new jogger and went for a walk up on Bernal Hill.

Archer also got visits from his Aunt Chris and Uncle Kenny and Aunt Christina and Uncle Ethen! Sunday was pretty hot and Archer was romping around in just his diaper and his drool bandanna most of the afternoon. ... Archer the drool bandit!

Part of the afternoon was spent making food for the week. On the menu: pears with cinnamon, peas and carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes with a touch of whole unsalted butter. Phew! a busy weekend for all. We also ran errands and even looked at getting a larger car! We'll see what kind of deal we can get! Sorry! We refuse to go the mini-van route! P.S. Here's a bonus picture of Archer and I at Christina and Ethen's wedding a few weeks ago. I'm in my Korean dress and Archer was passed out.


  1. Aww, you look so pretty in your dress :D Btw, Archer gives an unhappy thumbs down to yoghurt. His loss, my gain ;)

  2. thanks bill! i know, archer doesnt like yogurt. oh well. I think it's too sour and the banana doesn't sweeten it up enough. I'll give cottage cheese a try this next weekend.

  3. Seriously, talk about gourmet baby food! Those recipes are definitely inspiring, I'll have to follow suite in a few months!

    I can imagine that yogurt is too sour. Most adults don't even like it. I love yogurt, though! :) I also love cream of wheat - and the box I have happens to say "recommended for babies moving to solids"!

  4. I know! the doctor recommended plain yogurt. but man! it is a bit too sour/tangy, even mixed with banana! we'll try some cottage cheese this weekend. maybe that will be better.
    it's fun making your own baby food and pretty easy too. I use Top 100 Baby Purees by Annabel Karmel. Good stuff!
