Saturday, April 10, 2010

Farmer's Market and an Inappropriate Cat

This grey, cloudy, rainy, cold and windy morning (I am seriously getting sick of this weather!), we went to the Alemany Farmer's Market to pick up some organic veggies for Archer's week of meals. On the menu this week: carrots, broccoli, peas and apples! This particular farmer's market (this is the non-fancy one, for us regular folks, not the Ferry-Building-fancy-pay-$10-for-an-heirloom-tomato one) boasts a one-woman band. She's been here for years. She plays a washboard guitar and sometimes she will play a saw. Here she is performing: She is accompanied by this dancing stripper cat: Yes, look closely! That cat is a stripper cat with star pasties on her nipples! Never realized it until Bill pointed it out to me this morning and Archer didn't look too amused...

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