Monday, April 26, 2010

7 Months Old!

Comments from me, Caroline: The top photo was actually taken yesterday during lunch time. He was enjoying a book that used to belong to his cousin Vincent! And by "enjoying" I mean chewing the crap out of it! The other 2 photos were taken this morning at 6AM during breakfast. Archer decided to get up at about 5:30 AM this morning. That was lots of fun for Bill and I...

So at 7 months now, Archer is eating a bunch of solid foods: peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, tofu, bananas, apples, yogurt and oatmeal. He will be starting green beans and corn this week. Should make for some interesting "output", if you know what I mean. I will also start him on some finger foods, probably rice cakes, since those dissolve quickly in the mouth. He's also practicing drinking out of a sippy cup.

Archer is also rolling all over the place. I often feel like singing: "He rolled off the table! and onto the floor! I lost my poor meatball, he rolled out the door!" He has not mastered crawling yet, but he rotates and scooches around, lifts his butt up, and can even do the "worm". (I secretly hope he becomes a breakdancer!) He's still mastering sitting up on his own, which he can do for a while, but then topples to the side.

Archer's also got his 2 bottom teeth in and his two top teeth are now making their appearance!

Archer's favorite things right now are: Penny, licks from Penny, watching Penny look out the window, hearing Penny bark, petting Penny, grabbing Penny, squealing at the top of his lungs, and a huge yellow body pillow that is twice his size. We don't know where this fascination with this body pillow came from, but man, I hope it doesn't turn into anything kinky! (anyone see the 30 Rock with James Franco? Google it. 'nuf said!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gawd! He's so cute! I haven't seen any pics in awhile and what a cutie indeed! He's looking more Asian now too! I so want to see him and lift him before he gets too heavy. You probably want to start letting him watch America's Best Dance Crew and other dance breakdancing videos on YouTube - I'm sure it'll get him whirling soon enough! =)
