Monday, March 8, 2010

Grandpa's-first-language-is-not-English Glossary of Terms

Archer's Grandpa Choi's first language is not English, and he uses some interesting terminology when dealing with all things baby. I thought I'd put together the beginnings of a glossary of most frequently used terms to help translate:

Baby wheelchair= stroller; as in "We put Archer in his baby wheelchair and took a walk on the beach."
Mouth piece = pacifier; as in "Archer is crying, where is his mouth piece!?!"
Water glasses=goggles; as in "If you take Archer swimming, he needs to have water glasses."
Meat wave=neck fat; as in "His meat wave has 3 rolls!"
Over the fence=anything that is overflowing; as in "His meat wave is over the fence" or "Archer had a big poo and it was over the fence!"
Crinking= Crying + cranky.  Now part of my vocabulary, it really should be a word--try it out, you'll start using it too!

In other news, Archer attended his girlfriend Olivia's 2nd birthday party. As someone said at that party, "Olivia is a cougar!". Archer was very happy to see Olivia, but I think he was more happy to see balloons for the first time! Happy Birthday Olivia!

P.S. Archer rolled over tonight for the first time!


  1. OMG, very funny! What about "crinking"? This will have to be an ongoing project!

  2. Oh yeah! i forgot about 'crinking'. I'll have to add that one. We'll need to find a picture of Archer 'crinking' and then post it with the definition. i knew there were words that I forgot to add! and yes this will have to be an on-going project.
